Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Personal Settings

The Personal Information takes care of what others will see about you when they receive e-mail from you, as well as other personal preferences.

See the following chart for configuring your personal settings:

Term/Setting What it Sets/Changes
LanguageChanges the displayed language of Open Webmail.
CharsetChanges the Character Set of the e-mail (recommended to leave as it is).
TimeZone OffsetSets the time zone difference from Greenwich time (Click the Earth/Clock icon for a time zone map).
Daylight Saving Time
This controls whether Open Webmail should add one hour to local time for daylight saving. You can set it to 'auto', 'on' or 'off'. When this option is set to 'auto', the daylight saving will be switchedon/off automatically based on the value of the time and its timezone.
FromThe display the receiver of the e-mail will see in the From header.
Reply-toThe address that the receiver will reply to (if he/she replies).
Forward mail to
Forwards every incoming message to another address(es). You can choose to keep a local copy in your own mailbox.
Auto ReplyAn automatic reply to your received e-mails.
SubjectThe subject line of the autoreply (recommended to leave as is).
Auto Reply TextThe message of the autoreply (must be 500 characters/digits or less in length).
SignatureAn e-mail signature that will be automatically entered into every new message you create.
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